Friday, June 7, 2013

All things work together....

Romans 8:28 It reminds me of times when I was a little girl going to elementary school.  Everyday coming home from school I was chased by three different types of dogs.  You can imagine as a young girl what went through my mind.  At the beginning of the street was a Great Dane that was loose that would chase me all the way to the middle of the street where I was approached by a German Shepherd behind a fence.  At the end of the street were the smallest dogs- Chihuahua 3 in number. Believe it or not this was the safest street to travel home from school.  When I look back on those days I also looked at how God was preparing me for my future.  I had a track scholarship that paid for 85% of my college education and the  reminder was in academic scholarships.  What a faithful God we serve.  Take the time to read Romans 8:28 and share one of your stories.

Dealing with loss

It is a hard walk to do on a daily basis.  Our faith and hope keeps every step moving forward.  A long lived life all the way to the end.  It is amazing how faithful God is in death.  My faith grows when I am allowed to see the many miracles around me.