Saturday, February 11, 2017

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Being present when it matters

Don't count your definition of being present to the person that really needs you to be present.  When we do not know for certain and we question, we ask God.  We ask our creator, not creation.  Jeremiah 29:11...plans already known.  Are you presently listening?

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Daily lessons

It is not by mistake that we often find ourselves in situations that require our best.  If you are like me, you will be pulled in more ways than you can see.  However it is with sincere passion to help others that I rarely feel overwhelmed.  People tell me I should feel this way, but I have to remind myself that the path that I'm walking is only getting wider for others to appreciate.  Thankful for God's tender mercies everyday.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Friday, April 25, 2014

Time will tell

Most people rely on their time but they never understand that everything is in God's time.  Take this moment to think about a time in your life when you could not control the time.... here's a clue...Birth

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Do you remember?

Today is a day that makes you think back to remember the day when you totally surrendered and gave it all to Christ.  As you take the time to think about it, a humble heart becomes apparent.  Acts 17 16-21 Paul takes the time to reason with others to meet them at their need then he provided the gospel.  We too have the awesome opportunity to do the same today.  Paul was reacting to the number of idol gods in Athens and it inspired him to spread the gospel to others.  This is the day that you can remember that tomorrow is not promised and everyone is worth sharing the gospel message.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Learn something new everyday

This saying is true with all ages.  Today it was definitely true for me.  I had a recent purchase and I am still learning how to operate it and learn short cuts.  The older you get, the harder for things to stick in your memory, so I am learning not to multi-task when I am learning something new.  I stay focused and stay attentive.  Share your tips with others.